Before returning parts to Kahler Automation for any reason, this RMR/RMA request form must first be submitted; you will then be contacted and given instructions on how to proceed.

If you need to return more than one type of part, you must submit this form once for each type.

Please fill out the form as completely as possible. Fields marked with an asterisk are required.

KAHLER AUTOMATION RMR/RMA POLICY: All shipped items must clearly indicate the assigned RMR/RMA number on the box. Any physically damaged items automatically void warranty. Verification to ensure the returned items are chemical-free is required. Please indicate a detailed problem description for defective items. Kahler Automation will not accept any items without an assigned RMR/RMA number. Shipping charges depend on individual circumstances. The assigned RMR/RMA number will be void after 30 days of its issue date. Please allow 30 days following receipt of items by Kahler Automation for refund or item to be returned.