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Dry Fertilizer Automation

Rail/Truck Receiving Systems

worker operation automation software interface outdoors
close up of dry fertilizer outdoor interface

The startup process for material handling involves sequential equipment activation, with safety monitoring and alarms. Shutdown follows a reverse sequence for equipment cleaning, and optional controls ensure safety by monitoring speed, sensors, and amperage draw.

Reclaim System

dry fertilizer interface on ipad inside skid loader

Automated systems handle processes like weighing, mixing, and transferring using equipment like fertilizer towers, declining weight systems, vertical blenders, and rotary mixers. The laser-guided tripper automates its movement, reducing risk of employee injury and eliminating manual catwalk trips to maximize material handling.

Truck Loadout

semi truck receiving dry fertilizer loadout from the top

The fertilizer blending control system prepares blends before trucks arrive on-site. The pre-staging system prompts drivers for order details, truck information, and the desired fertilizer blend for each compartment, ensuring efficient loading.

Automation Control Software

worker operation dry material handling software

Bring your locations together with one control system interface with streamlined business information. Empower your team to be more efficient with data management and control system equipment easily.

Truck Traffic Control

semi driver operating truck kiosk

Optimize your site’s security and efficiency with integrated site access control and vehicle management for streamlined traffic flow.

Motor Control Centers

large motor control center

Maximize uptime with easier installation and maintenance, ensuring quality assurance and configuration flexibility.