Grain Handling Control System

Bulk Weigh Grain Handling Automation

Project: Farmers Cooperative, Dorchester, Nebraska


Farmers Cooperative automated their bulk weigh grain handling on the rail loadout system at their 7 million bushel grain facility in Dorchester, NE.


Their prior system had a track scale that weighed every car in and out, generating a ticket for each one, and everything required manual data entry. Farmers Cooperative wanted to streamline their grain loadout and billing process, and at the same time take full control to precisely blend grain.


  • Grain blending control on eight bin percentage gates and three conveyors that fill bulk weigher

  • Accurate loadout with bulk weigher tank level monitoring and garner control

  • Hazard monitoring of belts, drag conveyors, and legs using combination of bearing temp sensors, rub block sensors, and speed switches with systematic shutdown processes

  • Streamlined billing for easy processing after loadout completes

  • On-site startup service for testing and training on system operation.

Larry Chapman, Project Manager


Interview with Larry Chapman, Project Manager, Farmers Cooperative, Dorchester, NE

Q: What was the reason you got Kahler Automation involved in this project?

“We have used Kahler on a lot of our agronomy systems and their price point was a lot better than on some of the other ones. We have two other grain loading facilities that run Kahler and everybody seems to like it.”

Q: How has productivity improved with your Kahler system?

“Productivity here has improved a lot. It used to take us 14 or so hours to load a train the way we did it before; now we can do it in ... about 8 to 8 1/2 hours, with switch time you're running about 10 1/2. We’ve cut down probably about 6 people.”

Q: How does Kahler Automation training and support help your team?

“They're really good. If you’ve got a problem you call them. They can usually just remote in; you can get on the phone with them at the same time and fix any problems you have. They are really Johnny-on-the-Spot.”


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