Testimonial: Frenchman Valley Coop


BJ Franken / Operation Manager
Frenchman Valley Coop / Chappell, Nebraska

Q: How does Kahler Automation help you achieve your business goals?

"It’s really improved our efficiencies and our accuracy in mixing up dry, especially micro blends for VRT. … We’re achieving high accuracy."

Q: What was the reason you got Kahler Automation involved in this project?

"I believe it is fairly easy to train, easy to run, and it’s a very good programmable system."

Q: How has productivity improved with your Kahler system?

"Our productivity is probably increased tenfold. When a truck pulls up, we’re ready to go… where our old barn was probably 30-40 minutes to get that prepped, get that loaded, get it mixed, and get it up in the air to get it ready for the truck driver."


Grain & Agronomy Center Automation


Testimonial: CPI