Testimonial: Wedgworth’s Inc.

Mike Langston / Plant Manager
Wedgworth’s Inc. / Lake Placid, Florida

Wedgworth Inc employee being interviewed

Q: How has efficiency improved with Kahler, compared to how things worked previously?

"Before the automation was put in, it was taking approximately 45 minutes to make a load. All products were coming in one at a time. After the automation, everything comes in in one shot, so we're making loads in about 20 minutes"

Q: Over the course of a day, how much would you say productivity has improved?

"You can get 200 to 300 more tons in a day pretty easily."

Q: Have you seen streamlining of your billing process compared to the prior system?

"It's easier for the people in the front office because everything's done on the computer. So once it's loaded out they can pull it up. They can see that it's loaded out and then it's ready to be billed in the office rather than having to run paperwork back and forth."


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