Testimonial: United Farmers Cooperative

Ron Tvinnereim / Asset Manager
United Farmers Cooperative / Farragut, Iowa

United Farmers worker being interviewed head shot

Q: What’s one advantage UFC has gained by going with Kahler Automation?

"We have Kahler systems in a few of our dry facilities and also in another liquid facility, and one of the things in going with the Kahler system was that it would be ubiquitous.

So anybody that could run one location could go in and help out another location if need be, or if another location has troubles they've got other people to work with and to help support them.

What we're trying to accomplish is a uniform system across all locations. It makes the process a lot more seamless and easy if everybody's working with the same equipment and process."

Q: What improvements has UFC seen since upgrading with Kahler?

"(The old system) was approaching 30 years old and in order to upgrade, we just didn't have the room, so we went to a greenfield project. The main objective was to get to a speed and efficiency of operation. I think (the location manager) said he would have waits of an hour or two hours plus sometimes, and now it's virtually no wait time — just in and load and go."


Fertilizer & Chemical Facility Full Automation


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